Last month
my book group read 1491 by Charles C. Mann and wow did that book explode
myths and point out fallacies about indigenous people living in the Americas
before the arrival of the Europeans. Reading that book caused a shift in my
perception of reality. It had such an impact on me that I want to share with
you the main points. The research supporting these assertions is in the book. Mann
provides extensive scientific, historical, archaeological, and anthropological
documentation. (Compare my synopsis below to what your school textbooks told
you was true!)
First point: Many more, vastly more indigenous people lived in the Americas (North, South, and Central) than previously thought. The Americas were not populated by many small, isolated tribes before Columbus arrived. They were populated by large cultures numbering in the hundreds of thousands. In fact, there were just as many people in the Americas as there were in Europe in 1492 – or approximately 100 million in each region (not a mere 1 million in the Americas as previously thought). There were large metropolises and civilizations extending over vast areas. What the first European explorers found as they spread out into the Americas were the sad remnants of these enormous thriving cultures, which had been decimated, often annihilated completely, by diseases brought over by the Europeans. They found destroyed cultures and broken people, the few survivors of massive epidemics that spread like wildfire the instant Europeans (and their pigs and rodents) stepped foot in the Americas. These epidemics killed most (99 million) of the indigenous population.
First point: Many more, vastly more indigenous people lived in the Americas (North, South, and Central) than previously thought. The Americas were not populated by many small, isolated tribes before Columbus arrived. They were populated by large cultures numbering in the hundreds of thousands. In fact, there were just as many people in the Americas as there were in Europe in 1492 – or approximately 100 million in each region (not a mere 1 million in the Americas as previously thought). There were large metropolises and civilizations extending over vast areas. What the first European explorers found as they spread out into the Americas were the sad remnants of these enormous thriving cultures, which had been decimated, often annihilated completely, by diseases brought over by the Europeans. They found destroyed cultures and broken people, the few survivors of massive epidemics that spread like wildfire the instant Europeans (and their pigs and rodents) stepped foot in the Americas. These epidemics killed most (99 million) of the indigenous population.
point: The indigenous people living in some
areas of the Americas have been here since the end of the Ice Age, or at least
25,000 years (and perhaps for as long as 40,000 years). Manmade stone spear
tips have been found in the bones of woolly mammoths on this continent. Although
some indigenous people may have traveled across the Bering Strait Land Bridge
(remember learning that in school?), most of them evolved in place here in the
Americas and did not travel here from a different continent. Thus, there was
not one “cradle of civilization” in Mesopotamia (as previously thought), but
more than one location where civilization was born and some of those locations
were in the Americas.
Third point: Ancient civilizations in the Americas were
not only large and not only present a very long time ago, but they were
extremely sophisticated and complex. There is evidence of massive agricultural
operations, extensive cities, roadways, bridges, water systems, written
language, mathematical calculations, scientific understanding, and more. These
were not “primitive” ignorant people by any measure.
Fourth point: These indigenous people who inhabited the
ancient Americas were not necessarily good stewards of the ecosystems in which
they lived. We seem to be wedded to the image of the Native American crying for
the destruction of the environment; stuck in the belief that indigenous people live
in harmony with the earth, that they are the original environmentalists. Yet Mann
gives one example after another of ancient civilizations in the Americas that
exhausted the land on which they lived and destroyed it, resulting in their own
extinction. He describes one culture in South America that cleared acres and
acres of forest and planted maize to feed a metropolis of hundreds of thousands
of citizens. In one year of drought, the maize “plantation” surrounding this
city deteriorated into an eroded desert incapable of supporting life and the
inhabitants of the city starved to death. End of that civilization. There’s a
lesson to us for this day and age (one would hope).
Amazon Rainforest
Fifth point: Much of the terrain of the Americas, by the
time Columbus arrived, had been consciously and deliberately developed by
indigenous cultures and civilizations over the course of thousands of years. In
other words, the Americas were planted by those who lived here before 1492.
Forests were planted. Whole ecosystems were “introduced” or specifically
arranged to sustain human life. The shape of the land was not as random as one
would think. Mann describes the many techniques used by indigenous cultures to
develop the land to their satisfaction. Very convincing.
Sixth point
(an extension of the fifth): The Amazon Rainforest
is one big garden deliberately, carefully, and conscientiously planted by
indigenous people. One of Mann’s supports for this argument is that almost
every tree in the Rainforest bears an edible fruit. The indigenous people of
the Rainforest did not have the metal plow (as did the Europeans). They had
stone tools. It is nearly impossible to clear fields with stone tools. So they planted
trees, which would offer decades of productivity. The Rainforest is an orchard.
It is in fact a “built environment.” (Lots of research backs this up – check it
out if you doubt it.) Furthermore, anthropologists and soil experts have
discovered in the Amazon Basin large swaths of “terra prieta,” a rich, fertile
earth, terrific for agriculture, that is believed to be created by humans and
is not found to originate in nature. This terra prieta covers more than 10% of
the Amazon Basin. Scientists believe that this rich soil (which, by the way,
recreates itself ongoing) was developed. It was generated by a cluster of
microorganisms that self-perpetuate. (Much more on this topic in Mann’s book.)
Reading 1491
reminds me to keep my mind open to the possibility that what I know about the world
is a moving walkway and that each of us creates our own reality by what we
perceive and what we understand to be the truth. The truth is fluid.
This is a passion flower, which grows in the Amazon Rainforest and also in my backyard,
where I planted it. It's gorgeous, dramatic, and bees love it!
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